Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 45-48 of my beautiful journey.

I am ashamed of my self for missing so many days all at once lol. Derry I don't know how you have gone 48 days without skipping a beat. I made it 44 days before I missed more than one day. Pretty good for me...

Lots of beautiful things this weekend...
1.) Spending time with a really good friend of mine named Cody.
2.) Teaching the youth small group. We are travelling through the book of Genesis, which is full of some awesome stuff. Its always fun to see students start to get it, and put the pieces together.
3.) We had a child faint during the service on Sunday, that wasn't beautiful, but seeing the quick response of the congregants was.
4.) My wife is beautiful. I love her very much, and I find a great deal of joy in being with her and near her. She's pretty much awesome.
5.) Mountain Dew floats are epic.

I could probably continue going on all the beautiful things over the weekend, but I won't. Thank you Father for the beauty that surrounds me. It all comes from You and all glory to You for it.

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