My wife loves Nativities, they are her favorite of all her decorations. So in 2008 I got this crazy idea to find the best nativity in existence. I got more than I bargained for... I discovered Fontanini nativities. They are some of the most elaborate and extravagant nativities I have ever seen. Not to mention expensive. So I decided that I would simply begin by getting her a starter nativity set (non-Fontanini) and a
Creche (also non-Fontanini) and slowly over the years replace the old pieces with new Fontanini pieces.
Unfortunately this year we are living in her parents basement (temporarily) and all of our stuff including her Christmas decorations are in storage. Well, I knew this would break her heart so I dug through all of our stuff to find the box where the Fontanini nativity was stored, and while she was at work I put it up to surprise her.

As I put it up I found myself slowly becoming more and more enthralled with the whole scene. Everything about the event that we celebrate as Christmas is miraculous. Can you imagine what the shepherds thought as they were just doing their job then a whole host of angels appeared to them?! I bet they had a hard time deciding whether they were more awestruck or terrified!

How about the wise men, they traveled for years just following a star, to meet with this baby king. I can't imagine traveling for a week let alone years! But there they went by faith seeking out Jesus.
Then of course there is Jesus himself. Born from a virgin women. A women that had never known a man. A baby destined to change not just the world but everything beyond it, forever. I found myself awestruck by the beauty of it. That it was all more than a tale, it was real, and it happened here on this earth. I find myself constantly drawn to just sit and stare at my wife's nativity, just trying to take it all in. The beauty contained in those few painted figurines is truly extraordinary.
Thank you my King, your birth was beautiful.
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