Recently I helped my father in law install his Christmas present, a brand new surround sound system complete with blu-ray player. Ever since we have been 'testing' to see how well it performs on the myriad of programs it will be used on. Football, movies and standard television. But it wasn't until today after church that we found where its greatest talent lies. We put in a Christmas DVD of a travelling singing group called "Celtic Woman". Normally my preference for music is a bit louder with more tattoos and electric guitars, but hearing those four women sing on his new system was mesmerizing. I felt as if I was sitting in that auditorium experiencing the show. Now my moment of beauty wasn't really his sound system (although it is completely awesome), it was the gift that God has given us to "make a joyful noise". My beautiful moment was experiencing the beauty of song. Below I posted a video of one of their songs. I hope you enjoy it, I know I did.
Oh, yes. They're fantastic. Makes me wonder what 'surround sound' will be like in Heaven!